Aktuelles Golfprojekt

04.11.2013 -  

 BGSA - Beach Golf Sport Association - is developing a European project for higher education for students from the European faculties of Sport. 

We would like to invite 3 to 5 of your students for 8 days to Pescara, Italy, to attend the international Course  for the First Level instructor of Beach Golf.

The course is open to all interested students.  Golf skills are not required.

The course (originally 1000 €) will totally be financed by the European Union funds, which allows students to attend for free.

The maximum number of students for each university is 5.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Prof. Dr. Hökelmann via email (anita.hoekelmann@ovgu.de).

Letzte Änderung: 10.08.2021 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster