Summer School

05.07.2019 -  

The IEEE EMBS Student Chapter, Magdeburg in association with INKA-chair for Catheter Technologies and Image Guided Therapies presents the first Summer School for Exponential Technology-based Innovation Generation. This year we focus on Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

The course includes Biomedical Signal Processing, IT security, Ethics and how to use this knowledge to generate Sustainable, Innovative and Customer Centric solutions.

Each module will cover

-Introduction to the topic

-Hands-on sessions with real examples

-Tricks of the trade


We are accepting limited registrations.


Come, Join Us!


Participants will be awarded certificates.

Further information can be found on the website or in the flyer.

Letzte Änderung: 10.08.2021 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster