International MSc in Performance Analysis of Sport


The "Master of Science, Performance Analysis of Sport" is an inter-university master course that involves three European universities: Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany), Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro in Vila Real (Portugal), and the Lithuanian Sports University in Kaunas (Lithuania).
All students change the study place during the 2 academic years, starting in Magdeburg/Germany (1st semster), continuing in Vila Real/Portugal (2nd semester) and finishing in Kaunas/Lithuania (3rd semester)
The master relies on the mobility resources of the Erasmus scheme, for students to be able to complete their academic programme in the three universities.

The master course aims to:

  • train experts in Performance Analysis of Sport
  • offer specialized quality education to meet labour market demands in the sport training area.
  • provide graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills for them to develop a career in international settings.

The master opens a professional qualification avenue in the specific field of sports. The curriculum is intended to prepare students in the following professional areas:

  • Performance analysis in sports clubs, research institutes or rehabilitation centres.
  • Design of training programmes for sports people.
  • Project management in Technical Departments of national and international sports organisations.
  • Supervision and development of athlete follow-up plans in sports clubs and research laboratories (technical documents, experimental systems, laboratory education, etc.), with special attention to the new technologies.
  • Positions directly linked to Sport Performance research.

The master course is targeted at graduates and professionals preferably holding a degree in Physical Education and Sports.

The master has been organised by the Faculty of Humanities, Department of Sport Sciences of Otto-von-Guericke University.

The contact person for this study is   Dr. Kathrin Rehfeld.



This master course has been accredited by the  ZEvA. ( certificate of accreditation)


Information for Application

Application deadline for European applicants: May 15 st (The BA Certificate can  be submitted until 1st September).

Application deadline for international applicants: May 15 st.

Please note that this master course is subject to charges.

Further information for foreign students:  Ulrike Schmidt

Further information for German students:  K3 - Dezernat Studienangelegenheiten


Courses - Common Subjects:

Year Module Course ECTS Place

October - January

(1st year)

1 Motor Control and Motion Analysis 15

OvGU Magdeburg


2 Advances in Sport Coaching 15


(1st year)

3 Advanced Topics in Notational Analysis 15

UTAD Vila Real



4 Applied Performance Analysis 15


(2nd Year)

5 Biomechanical Analysis of Sport Techniques 15

LSU Kaunas


6 Research Methodology in Empirical Observation 15


(2nd year)

7 Workplacement/Internship 10  
May-October 8 Thesis Project 20 OvGU/UTAD/LSU



  • Modules 1 and 2 will be taught at Otto von Guerike University Magdeburg (Department of Sport Sciences) (12 weeks).
  • Modules 3 and 4 will be taught at the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real Portugal (12 weeks).
  • Modules 5 and 6 will be taught at Lithuanian Sports University in Kaunas, Lithuania.
  • Module 7 (Scientific Applied Work) will be completed at one of the three universities, to be chosen by students.



  • The candidate's previous education, experience, academic records and CV will be considered.
  • Applicants whose principal language of instruction at their previous university has been other than English, must submit a valid TOEFL (ibT) score report, with overall 79 or more points, or equivalent, internationally recognized English proficiency certificate.
  • European students will be admitted based on the regulations in force in their own universities, with the Coordination Commission's consent.
  • Mobility and integration procedures will be coordinated by the International Offices of each university, using the resources of the Erasmus programme.


Further Information

Detailed information is available under


Faculty of Humanities
Institut III - Sport science
Dr. Kathrin Rehfeld
Phone: +49 391 67 54706

Letzte Änderung: 22.03.2024 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster