Tom Behrendt

M. A. Tom Behrendt

Zschokkestr. 32, 39104 Magdeburg, G40D-073
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
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Intermittent hypoxia–hyperoxia

Glazachev, Oleg S.; Burtscher, Johannes; Schega, Lutz; Behrendt, Tom; Mallet, Robert T.

In: Hypoxia conditioning in health, exercise and sport - London : Routledge ; Girard, Olivier *1980-* . - 2025, Artikel 22, insges. 10 S.

Applications from before birth to high age

Burtscher, Johannes; Schega, Lutz; Behrendt, Tom; Debevec, Tadej

In: Hypoxia conditioning in health, exercise and sport - London : Routledge ; Girard, Olivier *1980-* . - 2025, Artikel 14, insges. 12 S.



Alterations in perceived trait fatigue during the menstrual cycle did not affect performance fatigue during submaximal knee extension exercise to exhaustion in eumenorrheic females

Bielitzki, Robert; Behrens, Martin; Behrendt, Tom; Roß, Lisa Marie; Dorow, Nele; Schega, Lutz

In: ECSS 2024 - Cologne : ECSS office, Artikel Abstract-ID: 1170 [Kongress: ECSS 2024, Glassgow, 2-5 July 2024]

Acute psycho-physiological responses to submaximal constant-load cycling under intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia vs. hypoxica-normoxia in young males

Behrendt, Tom; Bielitzki, Robert; Behrends, Martin; Jahns, Lina-Marie; Boersma, Malte; Schega, Lutz

In: Book of abstracts - Cologne : European College of Sport Science ; Davison, R.C.R. . - 2024, S. 493

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

The discrepancy between external and internal load/intensity during blood flow restriction exercise - understanding blood flow restriction pressure as modulating factor

Bielitzki, Robert; Behrens, Martin; Behrendt, Tom; Franz, Alexander; Centner, Christoph; Hughes, Luke; Patterson, Stephen D.; Owens, Johnny; Behringer, Michael; Schega, Lutz

In: Sports medicine - open - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, Bd. 10 (2024), Heft 1, insges. 11 S.

Low-load resistance exercise with perceptually primed practical blood flow restriction induces similar motor performance fatigue, physiological changes, and perceptual responses compared to traditional blood flow restriction in males and females

Bielitzki, Robert; Behrendt, Tom; Behrens, Martin; Malczewski, Victoria; Mittlmeier, Thomas; Schega, Lutz

In: Journal of sports science & medicine - Bursa, Turkey : Department of Sports Medicine, Medical Faculty of Uludag University, Bd. 23 (2024), Heft 2, S. 326-341, insges. 16 S.

Stiffness of elastic cuffs affects physiological and perceptual responses but not motor performance fatigue during low external load resistance exercise with practical blood flow restriction

Bielitzki, Robert; Behrendt, Tom; Motzko, Marcel; Schega, Lutz

In: Journal of sports sciences - London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Bd. 42 (2024), Heft 22, S. 2115–2123

Mechanisms underlying the health benefits of intermittent hypoxia conditioning

Burtscher, Johannes; Citherlet, Tom; Camacho-Cardenosa, Alba; Camacho-Cardenosa, Marta; Raberin, Antoine; Krumm, Bastien; Hohenauer, Erich; Egg, Margit; Lichtblau, Mona; Müller, Julian; Rybnikova, Elena A.; Gatterer, Hannes; Debevec, Tadej; Baillieul, Sebastien; Manferdelli, Giorgio; Behrendt, Tom; Schega, Lutz; Ehrenreich, Hannelore; Millet, Grégoire P.; Gassmann, Max; Schwarzer, Christoph; Glazachev, Oleg; Girard, Olivier; Lalande, Sophie; Hamlin, Michael; Samaja, Michele; Hüfner, Katharina; Burtscher, Martin; Panza, Gino; Mallet, Robert T.

In: The journal of physiology - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, Bd. 602 (2024), S. 5757-5783 [Online first]

Brain-Derived neurotrophic factor and inflammatory biomarkers are unaffected by acute and chronic intermittent hypoxic-hyperoxic exposure in geriatric patients - a randomized controlled trial

Behrendt, Tom; Quisilima, Jessica Ibanez; Bielitzki, Robert; Behrens, Martin; Glazachev, Oleg S.; Brigadski, Tanja; Leßmann, Volkmar; Schega, Lutz

In: Annals of medicine - London [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis Group, Bd. 56 (2024), Heft 1, Artikel 2304650, insges. 17 S.



Intermittent hypoxic-hyperoxic exposure prior to aerobic cycling exercise does not increase serum and plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in geriatric patients

Behrendt, Tom; Ibanez Quisilima, Jessica; Bielitzki, Robert; Behrens, Martin; Glazachev, Oleg; Brigadski, Tanja; Leßmann, Volkmar; Schega, Lutz

In: Leistung steuern. Gesundheit stärken. Entwicklung fördern. / Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft , 2023 - Hamburg : Feldhaus, Edition Czwalina ; Schlesinger, Torsten *1976-*, S. 185 - (Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft; Band 301) [Tagung: 26. dvs-Hochschultag, Bochum, 20.-22. September 2023]

Acute performance, physiological, and perceptual changes in response to repeated cycling sprint exercise combined with systemic and local hypoxia in young males

Behrendt, Tom; Bielitzki, Robert; Behrens, Martina; Schega, Lutz

In: Leistung steuern. Gesundheit stärken. Entwicklung fördern. / Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft , 2023 - Hamburg : Feldhaus, Edition Czwalina ; Schlesinger, Torsten *1976-*, S. 334 - (Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft; Band 301)

Acute effects of static blood flow restricted balance exercise on motor performance fatigue as well as physiological and perceptual responses in young males and females

Bielitzki, Robert; Behrendt, Tom; Weinreich, Andy; Mittlmeier, Thomas; Behrens, Martina; Schega, Lutz

In: Leistung steuern. Gesundheit stärken. Entwicklung fördern. / Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft , 2023 - Hamburg : Feldhaus, Edition Czwalina ; Schlesinger, Torsten *1976-*, S. 337 - (Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft; Band 301)

Akute Effekte eines Krafttrainings mit praktischer versus traditioneller Blutflussrestriktion auf motorische, physiologische und perzeptuelle Parameter

Bielitzki, Robert; Behrens, Martina; Behrendt, Tom; Maczewski, Victoria; Mittlmeier, Thomas; Schega, Lutz

In: Kongress: Sports, Medicine and Health Summit 2023, Hamburg, 22. - 24. Juni 2023, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin - Augsburg : Dynamic Media Sales Verlag, Bd. 74 (2023), Heft 4, S. 103

Akuter und chronischer Einfluss intermittierender Hypoxie-Hyperoxie Expositionen vor einer aeroben Ausdauertrainingseinheit auf kardio-metabolische Risikofaktoren von geriatrischen Patienten

Behrendt, Tom; Altorjay, Ann-Christin; Bielitzki, Robert; Behrens, Martina; Glazachev, Oleg S.; Schega, Lutz

In: Kongress: Sports, Medicine and Health Summit 2023, Hamburg, 22. - 24. Juni 2023, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin - Augsburg : Dynamic Media Sales Verlag, Bd. 74 (2023), Heft 4, S. 132

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Influence of cuff stiffness on hemodynamics and perceived cuff pressure in the upper extremities in males and females - implications for practical blood flow restriction training

Bielitzki, Robert; Behrendt, Tom; Nguyen, Toan; Behrens, Martina; Malczewski, Victoria; Franz, Alexander; Schega, Lutz

In: BMC sports science, medicine & rehabilitation - London : BioMed Central, Bd. 15 (2023), Artikel 134, insges. 10 S.

Acute effects of static balance exercise combined with different levels of blood flow restriction on motor performance fatigue as well as physiological and perceptual responses in young healthy males and females

Bielitzki, Robert; Behrendt, Tom; Weinreich, Andy; Mittlmeier, Thomas; Schega, Lutz; Behrens, Martina

In: European journal of applied physiology - Berlin : Springer . - 2023, insges. 17 S.

Acute performance, physiological, and perceptual changes in response to repeated cycling sprint exercise combined with systemic and local hypoxia in young males

Behrendt, Tom; Bielitzki, Robert; Behrens, Martina; Schega, Lutz

In: Physiology & behavior - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, Bd. 267 (2023), Artikel 114217



Effects of static balance exercise combined with different levels of blood flow restriction on physiological and perceptual responses as well as motor performance fatigue in young healthy males and females

Bielitzki, Robert; Behrens, Martina; Behrendt, Tom; Weinreich, Andy; Mittlmeier, Thomas; Schega, Lutz

In: Kongress: 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Sevilla, España, 30. Aug. - 2. Sep. 2022, 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science - Cologne : ECSS office ; Dela, F. . - 2022, S. 199

Acute performance, physiological, and perceptual changes in response to repeated cycling sprint exercise combned with systemic and local hypoxia in young males

Behrendt, Tom; Bielitzki, Robert; Behrens, Martina; Schega, Lutz

In: Kongress: 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Sevilla, España, 30. Aug. - 2. Sep. 2022, 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science - Cologne : ECSS office ; Dela, F. . - 2022, S. 312

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Effects of intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia on performance- and health-related outcomes in humans - a systematic review

Behrendt, Tom; Bielitzki, Robert; Behrens, Martin; Herold, Fabian; Schega, Lutz

In: Sports medicine - open - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, Bd. 8 (2022), Artikel 70, insges. 28 S.


Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Comparison of the effects of open vs. closed skill exercise on the acute and chronic BDNF, IGF-1 and IL-6 response in older healthy adults

Behrendt, Tom; Kirschnick, Franziska; Kröger, Lasse; Beileke, Phillip; Rezepin, Maxim; Brigadski, Tanja; Leßmann, Volkmar; Schega, Lutz

In: BMC neuroscience - London : BioMed Central, Bd. 22 (2021), Artikel 71, insges. 19 S.

Cortical hemodynamics as a function of handgrip strength and cognitive performance - a cross-sectional fNIRS study in younger adults

Herold, Fabian; Behrendt, Tom; Törpel, Alexander; Hamacher, Dennis; Müller, Notger Germar; Schega, Lutz

In: BMC neuroscience - London : BioMed Central, Bd. 22 (2021), Artikel 10, insges. 16 S.


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Letzte Änderung: 11.05.2021 - Ansprechpartner: Tom Behrendt